Umbrella of Political Parties

Umbrella OPP’s Historic Meeting Sets the Course for South Sudan’s Future


On this momentous day, the 20th of January 2024, the Umbrella OPP National Leadership Council/Political Bureau concise a meeting to embark on a crucial journey towards the future of South Sudan. We have convened this meeting with a clear purpose: to address the key issues that will pave the way towards the highly anticipated 2024 General Election.

Let us be reminded of the significance of our presence here today. We are not mere observers; we are the architects of change, the trailblazers of progress. Our responsibility is immense, and our mission is paramount. The fate of our great nation rests upon our shoulders.

I call upon us to set aside any differences and unite under the umbrella of shared purpose. This moment calls for synergy, collaboration, and a relentless pursuit of the common good. We must rise above partisan divides and prioritize the welfare of our people, for it is they who have entrusted us with their hopes and dreams.

As leaders, it is our duty to envision a brighter future for South Sudan. We must channel our collective energy, intelligence, and passion into charting a course that will lead us towards prosperity, stability, and genuine democracy. Let us not be swayed by short-term gains or personal interests, but rather let us be guided by a deep sense of integrity and a commitment to serving the greater good.

The road ahead will undoubtedly be fraught with challenges. We will face obstacles, skepticism, and perhaps even moments of doubt. But it is during these times that our true leadership qualities will shine brightly. We must remain steadfast, resilient, and unwavering in our pursuit of a better South Sudan.

Together, we have the power to transform our nation. Let us seize this opportunity with vigor and tenacity, for the future of South Sudan depends on our actions today. As we navigate this journey towards the 2024 General Election, let us inspire hope, ignite passion, and lead with unwavering conviction.

I have full faith in the collective brilliance and potential of this esteemed council. Let us emerge from this meeting as a united force, armed with a comprehensive plan, and ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. Together, we will steer South Sudan towards a future of prosperity, justice, and true democracy.

South Sudan “we aspire for peace and democratic transformation.”

Thank you, and let us begin this momentous undertaking.






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